Monday, January 5, 2009

The Importance of Multiple Memory Cards...

Here's a little story to go along with some recent TWiP discussions involving memory cards, and their sizes and need for more than 1 per camera...

This past September I drove down to Williamsburg to shoot the VPCGA's Annual Meeting (opening reception & dinner) at the Williamsburg Lodge.

It was about an hour away from Richmond, and I drove down a little early to see the layout of the rooms we would be using. That being done, I took a seat in the lounge to get my game face on. Turning on the cameras to clear the memory cards from the last event (I leave them on the cards until the next gig after I make 2 copies of all originals).

Whazzam! (to quote my almost-6-year-old's favorite catch phrase) NO CF CARD. That's right. Both cameras. A cold chill washed over me. I had 30 minutes until go time, and an almost 2-hour round trip. It was Sunday night in Colonial Williamsburg. Even if there were a camera store, they certainly wouldn't be open.

And then I noticed my weatherproof memory card case in the bottom of my bag beneath the off-camera shoe cord. With 3 512MB and 1 2GB cards in place.

I had become so complacent with never needing more than my usual 4GB cards, that I quit using the others. And I always ASSUMED I would leave the cards in the camera, but in my moment of panic I remembered them vividly resting on the card reader by the desktop. Let that be a lesson to us all!

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